Main Ingredient:
Qinjiao, Chuanxiong, Taoren, Honghua, Ruxiang, Moyao, Wulingzhi, Xiangfu, Niuxi, Dilong, Danggui, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Shenjincao, Mugua, Sangzhi, Bixie, Wugong, Haitongpi.
Bi syndrome is caused by the invasion of wind, cold, and dampness attacking the muscles, meridians and joints, shown as muscle or joint pain, swelling, etc. It is clinically classified into types such as "Xingbi" (wind-damp obstruction), "Tongbi" (painful obstruction), "Zhebi" (paralytic obstruction), and "Rebi" (hot obstruction).
Treatment often involves dispersing wind, dispelling cold, drying dampness, and clearing heat. It is believed that if bi syndrome is not cured by dispersing damp-heat medicines, ineffective with dampness-clearing and fire-reducing medicines, or ineffective with nourishing yin medicines, it is because wind, cold, dampness, and heat evils have entered the blood vessels, causing stagnation of qi and blood. Therefore, the method of promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction, and combining the method of promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction with wind-dispelling and dampness-clearing methods, is proposed. Clinical observations have shown significant therapeutic effects not only on the above diseases but also on diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, rheumatism, gout, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.
主要成分:秦艽,川芎,桃仁,红花乳香没药,五灵脂,香附牛膝地龙,当归羌活独活,伸筋草木瓜桑枝荜茇 蜈蚣海桐皮痹证是由风、寒、湿之气乘虚侵袭肌表经络和骨节,引起肌肉或关节疼痛、肿大等一类疾患,临床上分类主要有行痹、疼痹、着痹和热痹。治疗多用疏风、散寒、燥湿、清热等法。认为痹症用湿热发散药不愈,用利湿降火药无功,用滋阴药又不效者,是因为风寒湿热之邪入于血脉,致使气血凝滞之故。所以提出逐瘀活血,通经袪邪之法,把逐瘀活血与袪风除湿之法合用而获效。临床观察,不仅对上述疾病有显著的疗效,而且对风湿性关节炎、股骨头坏死,风湿热、痛风、骨关节炎、强直性脊柱炎等亦很好的疗效的临床效果。主要成分:秦艽,川芎,桃仁,红花乳香没药,五灵脂,香附牛膝地龙,当归羌活独活,伸筋草木瓜桑枝荜茇 蜈蚣海桐皮痹证是由风、寒、湿之气乘虚侵袭肌表经络和骨节,引起肌肉或关节疼痛、肿大等一类疾患,临床上分类主要有行痹、疼痹、着痹和热痹。治疗多用疏风、散寒、燥湿、清热等法。认为痹症用湿热发散药不愈,用利湿降火药无功,用滋阴药又不效者,是因为风寒湿热之邪入于血脉,致使气血凝滞之故。所以提出逐瘀活血,通经袪邪之法,把逐瘀活血与袪风除湿之法合用而获效。临床观察,不仅对上述疾病有显著的疗效,而且对风湿性关节炎、股骨头坏死,风湿热、痛风、骨关节炎、强直性脊柱炎等亦很好的疗效的临床效果。Top of Form